Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting

A Simple Parenting and Discipline System
Developed by a Pediatrician

Zylvie invites you to Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting with open arms
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We hope you are finding READY-SET-GO GENTLY helpful. There is more!

For professionals in the fields of Education, Social Work, and Community Health:  We have created Parenting Classes.  You can order materials for classes to be taught by a leader in your group, such as a teacher, school counselor, or social worker. These feature an interactive Parent Workbook, a Facilitator’s Notebook for the Instructor, and Certificates of Completion.  The materials are physical:  designed for a 4 to 5 session, in-person class. Please email us at to find out more or to place an order.  

The classes were developed for use by a Parent Liaison at an Elementary School.  They have been piloted successfully.  They are suitable for Court Ordered classes by CPS or DHR groups.  We can develop materials for any age group or setting needed.  

The cost is $55 for a kit for a class of 5 parents.  I can send examples from the lessons if you are interested.  

For parents:  A book is coming, with details for successful parenting at every age.  

This website is to help every parent reach their own potential!

Every child is wonderful!

So are you!