Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting

A Simple Parenting and Discipline System
Developed by a Pediatrician

Zylvie invites you to Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting with open arms
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April Nelson closed the door to five-year-old Devin's bedroom none too gently. “And STAY THERE!” she heard herself yelling. April walked to the den and collapsed on the couch. She was angry. She was frustrated with Devin, and with two-year-old Kyleigh. She was angry at her husband, Benji, for being somewhere else, and not at home to help with “bedtime”. But mostly, April was angry with herself, for not being able to cope with two perfectly normal children.

April sits alone on her couch.  The room is messy, and she rests her head in her hands.

The evening had consisted of two temper tantrums, a thrown cup of juice, an argument over food, and much sobbing. The two-year-old had bitten the five-year-old. The kitchen was a wreck, toys were everywhere, and the kids weren’t asleep.

April pulled out her cell phone and stared at it. She needed help, but she didn't even know who to call. She imagined herself calling 911:

“What is your emergency, ma'am?”

“IT'S MY KIDS! You psychology people have taken away spanking, and my kids won't behave, and WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO????”

April sighed. “Honestly,” she thought, “if they could tell me an answer, and not send child welfare to pick up my kids, I wouldn't care if I made a fool of myself calling them. But they've abolished spanking and put NOTHING back in its place! And I’m losing it with my kids!

READY-SET-GO GENTLY is for everyone who has ever had a moment like that.

READY-SET-GO GENTLY is about love, common sense, and a little bit of a system. It’s not really anything new. It's simply assigning a name, and a clear description, to what the best parents among us instinctively do.

April gets advice from Esther while in line at the DMV We will spend time with April, Devin and Kyleigh, and other families in their town. We, along with our characters, will be mentored by a wise grandmother named Esther Martin. Phase One of the website teaches the technique. Phase Two goes through every age group and covers many detailed situations that most parents have to cope with.

Please keep in mind that no website can have a solution for everything. Professional help, from a variety of professions, is often needed on life’s journey. By all means, pick up the phone and call for help when you need it! This website is NO attempt to substitute for that!

Meanwhile, April chooses some herbal tea to help her relax. She eats some chocolate cookies along with the tea, but only four and a half.

YOU (and April) already have within you all the capabilities you need to do a great job with your kids. We will talk about how to:

Be READY for most situations,

SET the stage for success,

and GO GENTLY whenever needed.