Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting

A Simple Parenting and Discipline System
Developed by a Pediatrician

Zylvie invites you to Ready-Set-Go Gently Parenting with open arms
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We should all be courteous to one another.  This starts in the home.  It starts with the parents.  Be courteous to your children. When things are going along well or average, use polite words often.  Examples are "Please. Thank you.  Yes, thank you.  I like the way you said that.  I agree with you.  You did a good job starting on your homework.  I like that.  This garbage needs to go out.  Can you get that done before supper, please?"  

 Even when you are angry with them, do your very best.  You can chastise them without using cuss words.  Example:  "Logan,  the school called.  They say there was a problem with your behavior today.  I am not happy about this.  We need to talk.  Tell me what happened."  

After about a week of being consistently polite to your children, begin to expect them to be polite to you.  The first step is to ignore all rudeness.  Simply pretend you can't hear it, and don't respond.  They aren't stupid.  They will get the idea quickly.  You could even make one announcement that you can no longer hear rudeness.  What should you not do?    I'm betting you know, but you might find it surprisingly difficult!  Don't yell or cuss at them for being rude to you.     

Good Luck with this project!  Communication worldwide has devolved itself into tremendous amounts of rudeness, nastiness, and worse.  It's up to us, as families and parents, to pull things back to some type of reasonable state.  If we can't do it, no one can.  So we must try.  

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