Mental Health issues are high. Fortunately, more help and services are available. For mental health crises and questions, you can call 988. This is a new nationwide number.
Mental health issues are nothing to be ashamed of. They can affect anyone, young or old. Here are a few things to know.
Stress is common, and can show up in different ways. Stress can rise to the level of triggering child abuse, suicide, self harm, or long lasting mental and physical issues. Stress causes destructive chemicals to be released in the body. These lead to difficulty concentrating, over- or under- eating, being "snappy" with people we care about, plus internal organ problems: stomach, heart, blood pressure, and much more.
Depression and anxiety go hand-in-hand. Depression does not always show up as sadness or crying. It can show up in almost any type of issue. Please do not ignore any symptoms that you or your child are having! Anything from chest pain, chronic tiredness, "bad" behavior, to hallucinations, paranoia and thoughts of suicide can be a sign.
Drug use. Unfortunately, all types of drugs are readily available; and most "substances" are not good for people. The death rate in young adults is rising, largely due to "substances." Sources are everywhere: from your own medicine cabinet to the local gas station, to "sellers" who are easy to find.
If you are concerned that you or your child are having mental health or substance issues, you probably are! Many people are. Please do not ignore warning signs! You cannot solve this alone, so the best thing to do is to reach out for help! 988 is a good place to start. Your school counselor, your pediatrician, or your family practice doctor are also good places to start. Please read "Serious Issues for Parents" above, and also "Resources" on the top right bar for suggestions. If the first person you contact does not help you, do not give up! Try again. You are a worthwhile person.
Do not feel that your problems are "all your fault." They are not. And you are not alone in your difficulties. MANY people are having similar difficulties. Guilt and Low Self Esteem are often symptoms which make you feel worse and worse Reach out! There are people out there who can help you, and YOU ARE WORTH IT!